الأحد، 23 سبتمبر 2018

for every level you need its energy

and once you are needing or focusing on the next level you need more energy

the more experiance and practical and special you are in a game of doing thing , you need less energy .

and the less practice and Ideas mean more energy you need .

the man wants to spend less energy .

the man wants to control things by spending the less energy .

man can do that control things and games with less energy once he have more experiance and learning .

to move to the next level whcih is upnormal for you , you need a special energy that you havent before  , but still so likely to be easy that you know when you have it's energy it will be easy to you .

for having the energy of the next level , you have to think the more on having it , focusing on it , and then doing it .

thank for reading .

good luck

atract your next game level in buisness . 

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